8:50 - 8:54 a.m. (4 minutes)
1st Period:
8:58- 9:38 a.m. (36 minutes)
2nd Period:
9:38 - 10:14 a.m. (36 minutes)
3rd Period:
10:18 - 10:54 a.m. (36 minutes)
1st LUNCH:
10:54 - 11:24 a.m. (30 minutes)
4A Period:
10:58 a.m. - 11:34 a.m. (36 minutes)
2nd LUNCH:
11:34 a.m. - 12:04 p.m. (30 minutes)
4B Period:
11:28 a.m. - 12:04 p.m. (36 minutes)
5th Period:
12:08 - 12:44 p.m. (36 minutes)
6th Period:
12:48 - 1:24 p.m. (36 minutes)
7th Period:
1:28 - 2:04 p.m. (36 minutes)
Assembly / Tutorial:
2:08 - 2:50 p.m. (42 minutes)
*Breakfast after the bell is a mandatory service in Washington State. The program went into effect during the 2023-2024 school year. To accommodate our lunchroom size, students will go in shifts for breakfast. Students either receive 15 minutes of instruction with their Advisory and then go to the cafeteria, sit with their Advisory and listen to announcements - OR - students go immediately with their Advisory, eat, listen to announcements and then return to the classroom for Advisory instruction.