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EMS Staff / Parent / Guardian Involvement Policy

EMS staff will work with parents / guardians to develop the EMS Staff Parent / Guardian Policy and EMS School Improvement Plan annually.

  • EMS staff will provide these to parents/guardians and request revision suggestions annually.
  • EMS School-Wide Planning Team (which will include multiple 7th grade parents/guardians and/or 8th grade parents/guardians) will agree upon revisions and redistribute these ASAP.
    • All revision suggestions will be provided to the district when these plans are presented to the School Board for approval.

EMS staff will conduct a Student and Family Orientation at the beginning of the school year.

  • EMS staff will inform parents / guardians of EMS participation in Title I, Part A, the requirements of this participation and the rights of the parents/guardians to be involved and provide them an opportunity to provide input on how "Parent / Family Engagement" set aside funds should be used..
  • EMS staff will provide Skyward online grading program information, Attendance Policy and Grading Expectations as well as discuss the curriculum and academic assessments used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels expectations for these assessments.
  • EMS staff will invite parents / guardians to schedule an orientation meeting via district mailing, email, local media announcements, the EMS Facebook and Instagram pages and electronic communication system. EMS staff will also contact parents / guardians individually to ensure an orientation meeting has been scheduled for ALL students.

EMS teachers will create syllabi for all classes.

  • EMS staff will provide these to students via Google Classroom and to parents/guardians via email and/or upon request.

EMS staff will create the EMS Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.

  • A link to the online handbook will be available in the EMS Student Planner and will be available for parents / guardians to review via the EMS website. Printed copies are available upon request.

EMS staff will utilize the Skyward online grading program.

  • EMS staff will provide parents / guardians personalized login information and general usage directions. EMS staff will also explain this during Student and Family Orientation.
  • EMS staff will keep this as up to date as reasonably possible.
  • EMS staff will provide parents/guardians continuous online access to this.

EMS staff will provide parents/guardians with accurate progress reports at mid-quarter and report cards at the end of each quarter for their student(s).

  • EMS staff will provide this via the Skyward online grading program.
  • EMS staff will provide students with individual student progress reports at mid-quarter and report cards at the end of each quarter.  Students will be directed to review these with their parent(s) / guardian(s). Parent / Guardians will be reminded about progress reports at mid-quarter and report cards at the end of each quarter via email, EMS Facebook and Instagram pages and Remind text message.
  • EMS staff will mail cumulative report cards to parents/guardians at the end of the 2nd quarter and 4th quarter.

EMS staff will provide parents / guardians with EMS staff school contact information (phone numbers and emails) via the EMS Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook, the EMS website and the EMS Student/  Parent / School Compact.

If requested by parents/guardians, EMS staff will be available to participate in regular meetings to formulate suggestions and make decisions relating to the education of students.

EMS staff will conduct Fall and Spring Student-Led Goal-Setting and Review Conferences and/or Student-Led Academic Conferences each semester.

  • EMS will invite parents / guardians to schedule a conference via district mailing, email, local media announcements, the EMS Facebook and Instagram pages and the electronic communications system. EMS will contact the parents / guardians of ALL students unable to schedule during these times, to attempt to schedule these at an alternate time.
  • EMS staff will conduct these both during the school day and in the evening and will offer flexibility in the scheduling of these conferences.
  • EMS staff will work with parents / guardians to schedule student-led academic conferences for students EMS staff and/or parents/guardians believe this is necessary for.

EMS staff will work with parents/guardians annually to develop the EMS Student / Parent / School Compact for their student(s). This will be reviewed and modified as necessary at least two times each year.

  • This will include an assurance that students will receive high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that provides students the opportunity to meet the state’s academic achievement standards.
  • This will include the shared responsibility for improving academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents/guardians will build and develop a partnership to help their student achieve the state’s academic achievement standards.
  • This will include parents / guardians agreement to their responsibility in supporting their student’s learning and their participation in decisions relating to the education and extracurricular opportunities of their student.
  • This will include the importance of communication between staff and parents/guardians and will include methods to access staff on student progress, parent/guardian volunteer opportunities (including participation within the classroom) and parent/guardian observation opportunities.

EMS staff will provide parents/guardians with up to date EMS information, student support systems, successful academic strategies, etc. via email, the EMS website, the EMS Facebook and Instagram pages, electronic communications systems, etc.

EMS staff will support the maintenance of the EMS PAWS (Parents Always Willing to Serve) parent/guardian support group.

  • EMS principal will meet with the EMS PAWS at least monthly.
  • EMS staff will work with the EMS PAWS to organize volunteers for during the school day and after school EMS events.
  • EMS staff will work with the EMS PAWS to provide parents / guardians with up to date EMS information and to gather the thoughts, opinions and / or concerns of parents / guardians.

Multiple 7th grade parents / guardians and / or 8th grade parents / guardians will serve on the EMS School-Wide Planning Team.

EMS staff will utilize Spanish speaking interpreter, Spanish automated caller and provide important documents in Spanish as means to communicate with Spanish speaking parents / guardians whenever necessary.

EMS staff will survey, question, etc. parents / guardians to seek additional feedback about EMS as well as to determine the best way to communicate with them individually.

EMS staff will utilize an electronic messaging system as well student planners to provide parents / guardians with up to date EMS information.